Monday, July 21, 2008


I saw this game on Libbie’s blog and it looks really fun. You don’t have to join in, but if you want to, read the instructions below…
This is how it works: leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, if it is recent or years old, silly or serious- anything you remember
Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It’s actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you


The Yancey Family said...

Once when Tyson and I were little, he took a cup of water from the sacrament tray at church and dumped it on my brand new frilly dress, on purpose!! I was quite angry. My favorite thing Tyson ever did was spray paint T-Y-S-O- on the barn door, then try and scribble it out, I always laugh about that one! He thought he could spray his name in graffiti on the barn and no one would know who did it!

I remember when you first moved here, Tsveti, and everyone sat around the kitchen table just looking at you and you said "I like horses and dolphins" in your cute little accent! We loved you from the start!

libbie said...

I remember how much Tyson talked about you and how excited he was to go to Bulgaria and get hitched! I loved when he brought you home and He was right, You are a little cutie! We love our Tsveti!

I also remember when you called the dishwasher the "washdisher." I loved it. I still laugh about it.

Emily Kern said...

I remember when I took you to get your license. Together we conquered the fat dmv guy. I also remember when you borrowed my car to go get Tyson a bday present and said "I will not wreck!" 5 minutes later that uninsured kid hit you. GRRR. Totally not your fault, but then a few weeks later I backed into your car. Oops!

SkeenMachine said...

Hmmmm...I think you and tyson are following us. I remember shacking up at mom and dad's together, then living at the Orchard together. I am just waiting for you to come to NZ now!

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

I'm not going to say remember here because Tyson does this all the time and it makes me giggle because you two are so funny....when he tells us funny things that you say and then you dish it right back to him (that a girl). All the quotes are classic, you may want to start a book. It would probably be a best seller!

Iva said...

I remember you in your prom dress! You and Dessi are just so sweet and cute!

I never met Tyson but I know a lot about him from Hans.
His favorite story is when Tyson yelled at the gypsy "Mahai se" (Get a way).

Our accents are what make us so special:) Right?!