Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big news…….It is school time

I will be going to school, starting September 22!!!!!!!!I know I can’t believe it too. I took the Compass test about a month and a half ago. I think I did pretty good actually, my reading was at college level, my writing was just the class below college level/ English 101 and I didn’t do very good on math, but I expected that and I am planning to work on it and retake this part of the test. I will be taking just 1 class this quarter for a few reasons: first- I am pretty scared and I want to see how I will do at all that; it is pretty new to me, second- I work full time and then Tyson has so much school debt so whatever schooling I do will be paid out of pocket. So all I can say is that I am really excited and really scared not exactly sure which is more, but that is certainly something I have wanted to attempt for a while, and I know it is worth it. So will see how it goes I will keep you posted, and keep your fingers crossed for me.


Emily Kern said...

Yea for you! I am so proud of you! You will do great!

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

I'm so proud of you too! You'll be such a good little student. :)

Iva said...

this is so exciting! i'm sure that you will do great! good luck!

what class are you taking?

The Yancey Family said...

Hooray! You are going to do great! You are such a smarty! I really do think you will love it, good luck to you!

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

Are you getting so excited for school? I'm glad you're working at the theater...carrying on another Reil tradition! Thanks for all your help on my house..Tyson too!

Tatiana said...

Good luck with school next week!!

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever...its about time don't you think!!?